Thursday, May 21, 2015

10 Thai Actresses Before and After Plastic Surgery

As you know, plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction of form and function of the body or face, therefore, many Thai actresses get plastic surgery in order to make their beauty more and more pretty.
Some actresses look just a little different but some have changed a lots after getting plastic surgery.

Let's check out the list of 10 Thai actresses before and after plastic surgery below
1. Aum Patchrapa

2. Janie Thienphosuwan

3. Noon Woranuch

4. Aff Taksaorn

5. Pooklook Fonthip

6. Noey Chotika

7. Peak Pattarasaya

8. Pat Napapa

9. Lydia Sarunrat

10. Yaya Ying

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